The people at Hero Complex were at some gig about the sound on Transformers 2 (essentially a presentation for the Academy on the sound) and after it there was a little Q&A with Michael Bay. This is what Mr.Boom had to say about the next Robot movie - ""Although the number of robots increased significantly from the first film for the second, the third film -- which will hit theaters in summer 2011, won’t be as robot-heavy and there will be fewer explosions, a tight-lipped Bay said after the Q+A." He also went on to say "There will be a nice crescendo ending. It gets much more into the robot character. The last time you kind of met a few of the robots; this time you’re gonna get a much cooler landscape”
A much cooler landscape could mean a few things. A full on excursion to somewhere not on earth, or some big kick shit at the north pole, possibly with an underlying message of giant robots saving a few polar bears. Either way, a Michael Bay movie with less explosions is something that will obviously be used as a marketing ploy. Transformers 3 – Now with less explosions!