Ok, so its more or less a given that at some point we will have a sequel to Avatar. Cameron has already mentioned it, and now Rupert Murdoch (who owns half the world) has also said both sides want to de a sequel! There is a possibility that the another Avatar, according to Cameron could branch out into the other moons of Polyphemus. I’d imagine the only thing that will stop a sequel, is Cameron himself. He’s not exactly the kinda guy that a) needs the cash and b) is told what to do. So if he thinks its a right move, then it’ll happen I would think. And as for the DVD / Blu-Ray release, well by all accounts (Murdoch again) the DVD with arrive before the end of June of this year! Murdoch also goes onto say that it won’t be a 3D release as the technology isn’t developed enough yet! He obviously hasn’t seen the shit at the recent CES show! Which I think, won’t fare to well in the home. 3D projectors, absolutely. They will provide some immersion aspect, but as for a 50 inch LCD, I can’t see it having too much of an impact!