As video game adaptations go, there never really has been a good one. Lets be honest, most of them have been utter shit, but they make money because they installed gamer base will go outside and venture to the cinema, to see a movie version of a game that has caused them to stock up on gallons of hand lotion. I kinda liked the Resident Evil series if truth be told, and when I say kind liked, I mean I watched it from end to end and didn’t hate the thing entirely! Anyway, the latest trailer for Prince of Persia has arrived on the web, and as a fan of the original game way back on the Amiga, this does look spectacular. Whether or not it’ll be the first decent video game adap. remains to be seen! Fuck, if it is, the studios will go bonkers and we’ll have Jet Set Willy being adapted for the big screen….in 3D