At one point, I had 2 credit cards. Both cards were maxed out on a regular basis. Eventually the red letters started coming through the door and I managed, after a long haul to pay them off. Now I have one credit card, which I try to keep in credit! In the back of my mind, I was always thinking will some large, burly blokes turn up and start taking back all the DVD’s, Gadgets and blow up dolls. They never turned up, but if they did I’m sure it would have been straight forward enough. Just hand the stuff over and that’s that!

Imagine this though! Getting a heart, lung, kidney or whatever bodily organ takes your fancy and getting it on credit. Pay the thing off like a car loan, like a house or whatever. Can’t pay it off? Like most credit agreements there is a grace period and after that, mucky stuff starts hitting the fan. And that’s when Jude Law and Forest Whitaker will break into your house, taser you and cut out whatever brand spanking new organ you can’t afford anymore. And when I say they’ll cut the thing out, they’ll cut the thing it with a scalpel, stuff their hands inside you and rip the thing out! Greys Anatomy this aint! So that’s the first half of Repo Men, where organs on credit rule the futre. Remy (Law) due to mounting pressure from his family wants to become a sales guy as opposed to a Repo guy, so on his last job he gets fried with a faulty defibrillator. When he wakes up, low and behold the nice people who employ him have signed him up for a new heart. From here, predictably, Remy can’t pay for his shiny new heart and goes on the run, whilst being tracked down by a selection of Repo Men, and ultimately his bestest friend in the whole world and partner in Repo, Jake (Whitaker). Throw in a love interest played by Alice Braga and a handful of twists and you get Repo Men.
Now, onto the performances. This is an action, sci-fi movie, so don’t go in expecting anything award winning. Jude Law is certainly convincing as the best Repo guy in the city. He’s ruthless, vicious and at times seems a bit bonkers. Forest Whitaker is a bit more foreboding in his role. And takes a back seat for most of the movie. That said though, he does bring the ass kicking when it’s required, but not as much as Law. Liev Schreiber plays their boss and is a pleasure to watch. He’s got the cool, but smarmy vibe going on, and pulls it off incredibly well.
The movie itself, whilst it doesn’t have too many action set pieces, compensates for this by giving lessons in cheap organ removal. On a number of occasions, I felt a bit queasy as scalpels tear apart flesh and knee’s are split open. If you have a weak stomach, then Repo Men will certainly bring the popcorn back up. Whilst the movie is set in the future, you never know when in the future its set. The city is like something out of Bladerunner, digital billboards and huge buildings abound. And whilst the city itself likes quite futuristic, other parts don’t add up. Normal looking subways and cars look completely out of place as does an iPhone. I’m sure we will have iPhones in the future, but not in the current guise. Those inconsistencies aside, and the lack of chemistry between the cast at times, Repo Men delivers an incredibly bloody, yet mildly entertaining watch which has, to be fair, a brilliant twist!

Imagine this though! Getting a heart, lung, kidney or whatever bodily organ takes your fancy and getting it on credit. Pay the thing off like a car loan, like a house or whatever. Can’t pay it off? Like most credit agreements there is a grace period and after that, mucky stuff starts hitting the fan. And that’s when Jude Law and Forest Whitaker will break into your house, taser you and cut out whatever brand spanking new organ you can’t afford anymore. And when I say they’ll cut the thing out, they’ll cut the thing it with a scalpel, stuff their hands inside you and rip the thing out! Greys Anatomy this aint! So that’s the first half of Repo Men, where organs on credit rule the futre. Remy (Law) due to mounting pressure from his family wants to become a sales guy as opposed to a Repo guy, so on his last job he gets fried with a faulty defibrillator. When he wakes up, low and behold the nice people who employ him have signed him up for a new heart. From here, predictably, Remy can’t pay for his shiny new heart and goes on the run, whilst being tracked down by a selection of Repo Men, and ultimately his bestest friend in the whole world and partner in Repo, Jake (Whitaker). Throw in a love interest played by Alice Braga and a handful of twists and you get Repo Men.
Now, onto the performances. This is an action, sci-fi movie, so don’t go in expecting anything award winning. Jude Law is certainly convincing as the best Repo guy in the city. He’s ruthless, vicious and at times seems a bit bonkers. Forest Whitaker is a bit more foreboding in his role. And takes a back seat for most of the movie. That said though, he does bring the ass kicking when it’s required, but not as much as Law. Liev Schreiber plays their boss and is a pleasure to watch. He’s got the cool, but smarmy vibe going on, and pulls it off incredibly well.
The movie itself, whilst it doesn’t have too many action set pieces, compensates for this by giving lessons in cheap organ removal. On a number of occasions, I felt a bit queasy as scalpels tear apart flesh and knee’s are split open. If you have a weak stomach, then Repo Men will certainly bring the popcorn back up. Whilst the movie is set in the future, you never know when in the future its set. The city is like something out of Bladerunner, digital billboards and huge buildings abound. And whilst the city itself likes quite futuristic, other parts don’t add up. Normal looking subways and cars look completely out of place as does an iPhone. I’m sure we will have iPhones in the future, but not in the current guise. Those inconsistencies aside, and the lack of chemistry between the cast at times, Repo Men delivers an incredibly bloody, yet mildly entertaining watch which has, to be fair, a brilliant twist!