Martin Scorsese is doing the rounds in India for the release of Shutter Island and according the The Playlist he spoke with a national newspaper, The Hindu and spoke about a biopic of ol blue eyes himself, Frank Sinatra. Marty is attempting to come at it from a number of different angles
“We can’t go through the greatest hits of Sinatra’s life. We tried this already. Just can’t do it. So the other way to go is to have three or four different Sinatras. Younger. Older. Middle-aged. Very old. You cut back and forth in time – and you do it through the music. See what I’m saying? So that’s what we’re trying for. It’s very tricky."
Now from a casting point of view, many names have been muted in the past, including Johnny Depp and George Clooney. The Goodfella himself says of casts "I'm yet to spot the actor who can bring back Frank Sinatra alive on screen. My choice is Al Pacino, and Robert De Niro as Dean Martin."
Personally, I can’t see either actor looking too much like their counterpart. De Niro for Dean Martin, maybe, but Pacino for Sinatra? Christ, I don’t know about that. From a singing perspective though, I think Al might have the voice. Let me throw a name into the mix for Sinatra, Kevin Spacey! He’s done the Bobby Darin thing and he might have more of a Sinatra look than Pacino. I love the concept of a couple of different actors, that sounds really, really brilliant. And if anyone can pull this off, its Scorsese!