It’s a big weekend for British movies in Cork anyway as Wild Target as well as Four Lions finally hit the Corkonian big screens. So you’ve never heard of Wild Target then? Me neither….almost. Very little hype and publicity surrounding this, possibly due to the fact that it won’t be released in the states until October.
So, if your a Love Actually fan, a Devil Wears Prada fan, A Harry Potter fan or even a Rab C Nesbitt fan you are well catered for here. Wild Target stars Bill Nighy, Emily Blunt, Rupert Grint (who is half naked for some of it) and Gregor Fisher and lets not forget Rupert Evertt too!
Written by Lucinda Coxon who hasn’t had a screenplay movieised since 2002, Wild Target is a non brain numbing, hitman meets target, and falls in love kinda story. Nighy plays the hitman, Victor Maynard who is a professional killer and his latest “job” is Rose, played by an incredibly sultry Emily Blunt, who is just oozing sex appeal! She get’s involved with an art scam which see’s her leg it, after swapping an original for a fake, with the original painting and a big suitcase of cash. So, Maynard gets the call to sort the problem and some other hoods, working for Ferguson (the guy who got scammed) get involved in the chase as well. Combine a shoot out in a multi story car park which sees Rupert Grint sporting a beard and getting involved with the Maynard and his would be victim you have a movie that entertains in a way that is quite unique.

There is not a great deal wrong with Wild Target. The performances are good, Grint in particular, is trying incredibly hard to shed the Potter association, which he will take years to do, and Nighy is wonderful as the Hitman, except for sporting the worst moustache in the history of moustaches. It really is plain awful.
As for the unique way it entertains, well the whole thing has got an average pace (it feels far longer than its 98 minute running time), its quite washed out and flat, and the dialogue is a little lame at times, but for some reason, it works. And works quite well. I fear though, that many will not see what is indeed a decent flick, because there is very little publicity surrounding the whole thing, which is a shame.
Overall, Wild Target shouldn’t work, but it does work and it brings with it occasions of laugh out loudness and is worth a watch.

So, if your a Love Actually fan, a Devil Wears Prada fan, A Harry Potter fan or even a Rab C Nesbitt fan you are well catered for here. Wild Target stars Bill Nighy, Emily Blunt, Rupert Grint (who is half naked for some of it) and Gregor Fisher and lets not forget Rupert Evertt too!
Written by Lucinda Coxon who hasn’t had a screenplay movieised since 2002, Wild Target is a non brain numbing, hitman meets target, and falls in love kinda story. Nighy plays the hitman, Victor Maynard who is a professional killer and his latest “job” is Rose, played by an incredibly sultry Emily Blunt, who is just oozing sex appeal! She get’s involved with an art scam which see’s her leg it, after swapping an original for a fake, with the original painting and a big suitcase of cash. So, Maynard gets the call to sort the problem and some other hoods, working for Ferguson (the guy who got scammed) get involved in the chase as well. Combine a shoot out in a multi story car park which sees Rupert Grint sporting a beard and getting involved with the Maynard and his would be victim you have a movie that entertains in a way that is quite unique.
There is not a great deal wrong with Wild Target. The performances are good, Grint in particular, is trying incredibly hard to shed the Potter association, which he will take years to do, and Nighy is wonderful as the Hitman, except for sporting the worst moustache in the history of moustaches. It really is plain awful.
As for the unique way it entertains, well the whole thing has got an average pace (it feels far longer than its 98 minute running time), its quite washed out and flat, and the dialogue is a little lame at times, but for some reason, it works. And works quite well. I fear though, that many will not see what is indeed a decent flick, because there is very little publicity surrounding the whole thing, which is a shame.
Overall, Wild Target shouldn’t work, but it does work and it brings with it occasions of laugh out loudness and is worth a watch.