There’s something very terrifying about rural America. Maybe it all stems from the days of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Deliverance, but the thoughts of the deep south, and its legends and tales always gets my spine tingling. The Last Exorcism is set in Louisiana and continues with the terror.
Starring what is a relatively unknown cast The Last Exorcism is shot in the genre of found footage, ala Blair Witch / Cloverfield.The story follows Rev.Cotton Marcus who is an evangelical minister who has lost his faith and is more a showman than anything else. And the big show, comes with exorcism’s which he performs on a regular basis! But he’s had enough of the showmanship. He wants out and wants to expose, what he believes is a huge scam, by allowing a film crew film his last exorcism. So he turns up in Louisiana in a farm outside of town, where a farmer believes his daughter is possessed by the Devil. Cotton goes and does the charade of exorcism and everyone is happy. The daughter is saved, Marcus gets his money and the film crew have the whole scam on tape. All is well, until that night the daughter; Nell, turns up in Marcus’s hotel room. From here, I’ll thread carefully as spoilers lurk, but lets say Nell needs to be exorcised again, according to her father and reluctantly the Reverend does so. This is all coupled in with a few twists and an ending that will either make or break the movie for you. For me, it made it, but the very few final frames might be a bit too familiar for some. That said, it didn’t bother me too much and the twists are rather enjoyable and ensures you have to have the seatbelt fastened!
The movie, while it doesn’t bring the fear factor the way, say, Paranormal Activity did, does provide plenty of tense moments along the way. Coupled with a spine tingling soundtrack and and at times some real cluster phobic style camera work The Last Exorcism will certainly play on the senses. Of course your religious persuasion will have you believing more, or believing less of what happens on screen. Whilst many of the so called scary scenes have appeared in the trailer, it’s only when the whole movie is viewed as a complete piece do they really work.
Daniel Stamm, who is all too familiar with documentary style, has done a wonderful job here. He really does convince you that you are watching a documentary, that goes terribly wrong. This is a very absorbing movie, made more so by a very convincing cast. In particular Patrick Fabian as the Exorcist. He is incredibly likeable and throughout the movie, you do have a great connection with the guy. From his family motives to his wanting to get the truth out there ideals. The other jewel in the crown here is Ashley Bell, who plays the posessed Nell Sweetzer. In the later half of the movie, her eyes are simply incredible. At times she stares at the camera and at least once gives a smile as the shot is about to close off, which really will get the hairs standing on your arse!
At only 86 minutes long, The Last Exorcism thunders along at a great pace. The scares are peppered throughout, but it’s the tension that the movie creates, its simply brilliant! The ending may have some people hating it, but this is certainly a brilliantly shot horror, with solid performances throughout and is well worth a watch and will have you talking about it for days to come!
Eli Roth and Daniel Stamm will be on the show, this Sunday night from 10pm with yours truly, in a dedicated Movie Bit special!