It was internet sensation and bullet dodger Keanu Reeves who was spilling the beans earlier in the week about the possibility of a 3rd Bill and Ted movie and now Alex Winter has been talking to MTV. Winter (Bill, yes THAT Bill) says Reeves, himself and the original writers Chris Matheson and Ed Solomon have come up with an idea that is really great. Winters also went on to tell MTV “We've been working on it for the past couple of years," says Winter. "The bottom line is that we still all feel like we need to sit down and look at a script and see if it's everything that it can be before we set about doing anything with it. We kicked around the idea over the years and had always thought if we could make something that was as kind of genuine in spirit as the originals and without falling prey to kind of retro cynicism or something that was unnecessary, it would be worth doing."
Any takers?
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