Christopher Nolan has spoke to Empire and has confirmed to Empires Dan Jolin that he will indeed direct Batman 3. The quotes are below.
"It’s becoming inevitable, I’ll put it that way," says Nolan. "I feel myself falling into it, I guess. And getting it all figured out and I’m pretty excited about what we’re doing so… If I haven’t announced it, I think that people probably all know at this point that I’m doing it."
Hang on, that's not 100% clear: so we can safely assume you're directing?
"I think you can at this point, yes."
So, that’s good news obviously, but was it ever going to be anyone else? Or given the amazing 2 Bat flicks Nolan has created, could anyone else do the Dark Knight justice? Besides Batman 3, Nolan is also producing the next Superman flick amongst other projects. Either way, hands full and a happy bank manager!

"It’s becoming inevitable, I’ll put it that way," says Nolan. "I feel myself falling into it, I guess. And getting it all figured out and I’m pretty excited about what we’re doing so… If I haven’t announced it, I think that people probably all know at this point that I’m doing it."
Hang on, that's not 100% clear: so we can safely assume you're directing?
"I think you can at this point, yes."
So, that’s good news obviously, but was it ever going to be anyone else? Or given the amazing 2 Bat flicks Nolan has created, could anyone else do the Dark Knight justice? Besides Batman 3, Nolan is also producing the next Superman flick amongst other projects. Either way, hands full and a happy bank manager!