Mark Wahlberg will hit our screen's in 2012 in an adaptation of the PS3 video game, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, so says the man himself when speaking to MTV yesterday. It's not very surprising, seeing as Wahlberg's frequent collaborator David O' Russell is writing and directing the film. The pair have previously worked on Three Kings, I Heart Huckabees and the upcoming The Fighter. Now that it's confirmed, I don't know whether to be excited or bummed, as Nathan Fillion was also a favourite for the role (and it would have been absolutely perfect casting in my mind) but as I'm a fan of the Calvin Klein-Briefs-Machine, this is far from bad news. Wahlberg also goes on to say that Russell is hoping to secure parts for Joe Pesci and Robert DeNiro as Drake's Father and Uncle. Interesting casting indeed!