While Spielberg gears up to make his long gestured Abraham Lincoln biopic, Wanted director Timur Bekmambetov is scheduled to meet with Eric Bana about playing Abe in a very different take on the American president. The Wrap has confirmed that the actor is meeting with Bekmambetov for the title role in Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter. The movie, adapted from a novel by Seth Grahame Smith, is based on secret diaries telling of Honest Abe's Vampire slaying days. The actor would be a great fit for the role, as the two share a strong likeness and Bana has a stellar track record with regards to Box Office for his films; Star Trek, Time Traveler's Wife, Hulk and Troy. He'd draw in the crowds, he's talented, so it makes sense. As nothing is confirmed, check back as we'll have casting news as soon as it's announced!