The much beloved (apparently) short story, The Selfish Giant by Oscar Wilde is getting a big screen treatment by Irish director, Catherine Owens and it’s going to be in 3D, incorporating live action, motion capture and animation.
The story is one of a Giant and a bunch of kids, who he doesn’t allow into his garden. But when they sneak back in, he realises that things are probably better with the kids around as the garden blossoms like it’s Spring when the kids are thundering around. Anyway, he befriends one child in particular and eventually that child disappears and returns as Jesus (from my understanding of it anyway) when the Giant is about to die!
Catherine Owens was the co-director of U2 3D which was pretty impressive and obviously she has a great deal of knowledge of how 3D works so this could be something to watch out for! The story itself though, is a bit weird, but none the less it’s good to see the Irish grabbing hold of all things 3D!