The trailer for the upcoming horror remake, Fright Night, has just hit via IGN. The film tells the story of Charlie Brewster (Anton Yelchin), a teen who finds out his suave, charismatic next-door neighbor, Jerry Dandridge (Colin Farrell) is in fact one of the undead. Joining the previously mentioned pair are Toni Collette, David Tennant and Imogen Poots. Fright Night is directed by Craig Gillespie.
I don't know what to think about this, personally. Having cherished the original as a young teenager myself, I'm skeptical as to the style of this remake. The trailer doesn't seem to include anything from the original; Charlie is no longer a horror geek, he and his mother live in what looks like New Mexico and Evil Ed seems...normal. What I do like is Farrell in Jerry's role; he seems to exude the right amount of charm and menace. And it's quite cool to see the marketing guys retaining the original 'Fright Night' logo.
Fright Night 3D hits Irish cinemas September 2nd.
I don't know what to think about this, personally. Having cherished the original as a young teenager myself, I'm skeptical as to the style of this remake. The trailer doesn't seem to include anything from the original; Charlie is no longer a horror geek, he and his mother live in what looks like New Mexico and Evil Ed seems...normal. What I do like is Farrell in Jerry's role; he seems to exude the right amount of charm and menace. And it's quite cool to see the marketing guys retaining the original 'Fright Night' logo.
Fright Night 3D hits Irish cinemas September 2nd.