His new movie, Tabloid, focuses on the weird and much publicised case of a mormon man and the beauty queen, Joyce McKinney, who allegedly kidnapped/abducted him in 1977. With all the sex and drama involved, it was like Christmas for the tabloids and so, the movie looks at the case and the hysteria surrounding it. Using the interrotron - a camera Morris invented that allows the people behind and in front of the camera to see the other face straight ahead - we get a unique look at the interviewees as they look directly at us. It's a brilliantly cut trailer, so do take a look - also check out the synopsis below. Can't say it sounds boring, can you?
Thirty years before the antics of Lindsay, Paris and Britney, Joyce McKinney made her mark as a peerless tabloid queen. In TABLOID, Academy Award(R)-winning filmmaker Errol Morris (THE FOG OF WAR) follows the salacious adventures of this beauty queen with an IQ of 168, whose single-minded devotion to the man of her dreams leads her on a labyrinthine crusade for love. Down a surreal rabbit hole of kidnapping, masochistic Mormons, risque photography, magic underwear, celestial sex, jail time and a cloning laboratory in South Korea, Joyce’s fantastic exploits were constant headlines.