First Cut!Youth Film Project offers 6 FREE Places on a one-day Animation Workshop with experienced animator Jane Lee. Saturday July 2 11am -5pm, Midleton
Fully hands-on workshop, animate using a range of techniques - from plasticene model animation, clay-mation, acting to camera using live action filming techniques.
Due to demand we are now offering this hands-on workshop, there are 6 places left, no charge.age 13-25, living in the Cork area who are interested in making animated films.
To see more about Jane Lees work please go to
To book your place you will need to contact First Cut Film asap @, all contact details below.
Mary Mc Grath, Co Ordinator
First Cut! Film Project
First Cut! Youth Film Project working in association
with Cork Film Centre is funded by The Arts Office of Cork County Council
and South and East Cork Area Development Ltd, (SECAD).The First Cut! Film Festival receives financial assistance from the Arts Council.