Ok, so you’re planning on throwing yourself on the couch on Xmas Eve, being waited on hand and foot and will eventually stagger off the cushioned bum holder sometime on Christmas night, trailing turkey leftovers, mince pies and Quality Street wrappers as you go. As many of us know, putting a disc (be it DVD, or preferably Blu-Ray) into a DVD player (or…again…preferably a Blu-Ray player) can be alot of effort, and at this time of year, you need to keep your energy up for the inevitable onslaught of Turkey infused dishes. So, without further adieu, here’s a brief (I’ve Xmas shopping still to do) guide to what you should be watching on Xmas Day. And to be honest, there is only one option on Xmas eve, that is worth your time. This guide is geared towards our Irish and UK readers. Unfortunately our American readers (and everywhere else) will just have to grab their local listings. Or put in the DVD (or preferably the Blu-Ray disc)
WHAT: Gremlins WHEN: Xmas Eve – 7pm WHERE: TCM WHY: Look, take my word for it. This is a fantastic Xmas Eve movie, and it’ll terrify the young kids into going to bed for Santa. Avoid if you don’t like cute cuddly things that will tear your head off if you get them wet…or feed them after midnight. |  |
WHAT: The Goonies WHEN: Xmas Day – 9pm WHERE: Watch HD WHY: It’s the Goonies. Avoid only if you are incredibly insane. Or believe that Goonies can die. |  |
WHAT: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part One WHEN: Xmas Day – 17:15 WHERE: Sky Movies Premiere / HD WHY: Just in case granny bought you Part two on DVD, and not the box set of all the movies, this should sort you out. Plus, it’s Harry Potter. Avoid if you can’t stand broomsticks, magic and glasses |  |
WHAT: The Kings Speech WHEN: Xmas Day – 20:00 WHERE: Sky Movies Premiere / HD WHY: If you fancy a talkie movie over the usual Xmas blockbuster bonanzas. Plus it picked up Colin Firth an Oscar. Avoid if you have a balaclava and a selection of ammunition and semi automatic weapons under your bed |  |
WHAT: Independence Day WHEN: Xmas Day – 21:00 WHERE: RTE Two (E4 7:55pm) WHY: On the slim possibility you may have never seen it, this is most definitely worth a watch for sheer blockbuster entertainment value. Plus get to see Jeff Goldblum utter the same lines he did in Jurassic Park (well one of them anyway). Avoid if you don’t fancy getting up and cheering at the speech delivered by Bill Pullman. |  |
WHAT: Megamind WHEN: Xmas Day - 10am WHERE: Sky Movies Premiere/HD WHY: By 10am, you’ll need to get the kids to STFU and you may need to sit down for a break, while the dog continues to eat the wrapping paper. Megamind has Will Ferrell and Brad Pitt as evil geniuses and superheroes. Ok it’s got their voices. Either way its a hilariously enjoyable romp that the kiddies will love and parents can laugh along as well…before having the 4th brandy of the day. Avoid if you don’t like laughing….or the colour blue. |  |
WHAT: Get Him To The Greek WHEN: Xmas Day – 13:15 WHERE: Sky Movies Comedy / HD WHY: Russell Brand and Jonah Hill. Do you need any more reasons? Ok, here's one. Furry Walls. End of. Pure and utter insanity bring laugh after laugh. While many may be tucking into their Xmas dinner around this time, drag the TV into the kitchen. Don’t mind this family time lark. If, by chance granny objects, then its showing again at 9pm. Avoid…well no reason to avoid really. Unless you have a poker firmly planted. |  |
WHAT: Inception WHEN: Xmas Day – 9pm WHERE: Sky Movies Thriller WHY: One of the best movies in the last number of years. Phenomenal stuff, and its a must watch. Avoid only if you’ve had too many sherrys. You’ll need your brain engaged for this one. |  |