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Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol Review


With a few (ok, debatable) exceptions like Star Wars, Twilight, Harry Potter or god forbid even Police Academy, a lot of movies run out of steam after the sequel and just generally can be pointless exercises. Thankfully the latest Tom Cruise movie is after putting a few gallons of some seriously bad ass rocket fuel into the petrol tank, and is after lifting the mission impossible franchise into the stratosphere.

Cruise is back as IMF (not the banking crowd) super agent Ethan Hunt who (along with his team) is framed for a mass bombing at the Kremlin. This results in the IMF being shut down and Hunt and co are on their own as they chase down a Nuclear extremist who is hell bent on starting the end of the world.

The movie thunders along at a quick albeit solid pace. Each location brings set piece after set piece, but the one that really stands out is the much talked about Burj Khalifa scene, which sees Cruise, not a stuntman, hanging, running, falling and jumping around on the outside of the worlds tallest building. Combined with dizzying camera work and incredible tension, this is without doubt one of the scenes of the year, let alone in the movie. You'll be hanging onto the edge of your seat. As a matter of fact, all the set pieces are nothing short of brilliant and some in particular will have your jaw on the floor. And trust me, you’ll be there every step of the way as the sound mix makes you feel every bump and crunch. The finale in particular will have you squirming in your seat, in probably what is one of the most inventive finales in quite some time. And many bring more than the occasional smile and laugh along the way. The scene in the Kremlin with Cruise and Peggy is hilarious and is brilliantly conceived.


The cast here are spot on. It's hard to imagine anyone else playing Ethan Hunt other than Tom Cruise, and Simon Pegg, Jeremy Renner and Paula Patton all do a top notch job. Besides Cruise doing many of his own stunts, again further mention to the Burj Khalifa scene which you have to hand it to the guy, he has some set of balls, safety equipment or not, it is phenomenal the effor Cruise puts in here. He does have this role perfected. No doubt its something he could play in his sleep at this stage, but Ethan Hunt has got a brooding under current which makes him that little bit more mysterious, but incredibly charismatic and likeable. Pegg pays the geeky computer guy with far too much ease and delivers many of the movies more comedic moments. Renner, who many tip to take over the lead role, if Cruise departs, has got a decent intensity to his character, but if anything his role is slightly downplayed, with him not doing a great deal, bar the occasional stunt, punch up or shooting something. Patton oozes sex appeal and her physical prowess is a sight to behold.

Brad Bird, cut his teeth in animation at Pixar, and his attention to detail has certainly transitioned from computer to camera. Action sequences are expertly crafted with some thrilling scenarios that other directors may have had difficulty putting together. There is phenomenal understanding of scale and camera awareness here. I guess that comes from Bird working primarily in a virtual world at Pixar. And has it stood to him here. And speaking of Pixar, another Pixar regular (who also composed the score for Mission Impossible 3) Michael Giacchino is on top form here with the score.


Its hard to find fault here to be honest, as action movies go, this is more or less perfection. On occasion the dialogue might be a little ropey and dragged out a bit, but that's only hyper nit-picking.

Overall Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol is a phenomenal roller coaster of a movie. It never misses a beat and you will be entertained from start to finish.  And it cements Tom Cruise as the greatest action star that the world has seen, in years. The bar has been set incredibly high for action movies from here on in. The most entertaining movie of the year, nothing else comes close. Go see it....at least twice.



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The Movie Bit: Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol Review
Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol Review
The Movie Bit
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