Well, this one came out of nowhere. First appearing on the Playstaion 2 over 11 years ago, Ratchet And Clank gave birth to a series of platform games, putting players in control of an alien, Ratchet, and his robot sidekick, Clank, using a vast array of destructive weapons to take out enemies and solve puzzles. Now they are making their way to the big screen with the Ratchet And Clank movie, set to hit cinemas in 2015. Coming from Rainmaker Entertainment, an animation studio best known for the direct to DVD Barbie movies, the movie will serve as an origin story, showing the friends meet for the first time, teaming up to take on a threat to the universe. TJ Fixman, the writer of the original game, will provide the screen play, and the voice cast from the games will reprise their roles.
I'm kinda stoked for this one. I have nothing but fond memories for the games, and the teaser trailer has some really nice humour in it. No doubt it play on gamers nostalgia, while also catering to a new audience of kids introduced to the characters for the first time.
I'm kinda stoked for this one. I have nothing but fond memories for the games, and the teaser trailer has some really nice humour in it. No doubt it play on gamers nostalgia, while also catering to a new audience of kids introduced to the characters for the first time.