We all know Avengers 2 is coming in May 2015, Thor 2 hits in November this year and Captain America 2 will arrive in April 2014. Guardians Of The Galaxy arrives that August. By the time the Avengers sequel is rolling its credits Marvel will have concluded “Phase Three”. Ant Man crawls (sorry) into cinemas on November 6 and now 2016 has sees a mystery Marvel movie pencilled in for May 6, another one follows up 2 months later and then May 5 2017 sees another. While Avengers 3 is a given (Robert Downey Jr. has signed up already) its a damn good question what is going into these 3 dates? While Avengers 3 is more than likely the 2017 date, Iron Man 4 could also land in the May slot in 2016. Other than that, take a wild guess (preferably in the comments section below) at whats coming!