Theres not too many podcasts floating about when it comes to movies, so in our infinite wisdom we decided to relaunch the weekly podcast to exploit the niche in the market. We’ve always posted the interviews we do on a regular basis be it this weeks Jesse Eisenberg to the likes of Brendan Gleeson, Russell Brand, Colin Farrell, Michael Cera and so on. One thing we haven’t done in a while is put together a podcast about actual movies with reviews, moaning and Morgan Freeman impressions.
So now, we’re relaunching the weekly podcast where we’ll do all that and a bit more. And in due course we’ll get our head writer Tom into the mix as well (logistics don’t allow that at the moment). Yes its another podcast about movies (we were using our hilarious wit at the beginning of this article) but what I can guarantee is some element of quality. When it comes to the content and more importantly the presentation of the whole thing. Ultimately my day job is on the radio presenting a morning talk show, so If I haven’t learned anything after 15 years of radio broadcasting there’s not much hope for me.
Essentially I want the podcast to be digestible. Something you can dip in and out of on the morning commute, on a jog or just sitting on your ass eating a heart attack on a plate. Hopefully you’ll get something out of it. Whether thats a smile, laugh or incessant hatred! And by all means get in touch and lets us know what you’d like to hear on the podcast. So that’s the spiel, you can subscribe to the podcast by clicking here (It’ll open iTunes) and just click subscribe. Then you have access to all our past podcasts as well (all 99 of them) which feature some Oscar winners and of course plenty of A listers!