Ladbrokes have sent us over some awesome survey data and one of the questions asked (of many) was If you could be a Superhero, who would you be? Personally, I’m quite shallow, so while the bank account of Bruce Wayne and Tony Stark is incredibly attractive, I wouldn’t be donning an tin suit or a leather underpants. Nope! It goes back to my childhood. My first love was Superman. Like many of you, I hurled myself off beds, couches and the occasional tree in an attempt to fly. My downfall (literally) was blamed on a cheap red blanket that I used as a cape. But, thankfully, after much whining to my parents, they relented and I got the real suit. Tragically, and much to the detriment of my elbows, knees and occasionally my arse, I still couldn’t fly. And while the flying power would be awesome today, I’d settle for the X-Ray vision. Obviously to help sick people. Anyway, the top 3 Superheroes according to Ladbrokes are as follows
Superman 17.06%
Batman 14.99%
Iron Man 10.34%
And at the bottom of the list we have Bananaman with a miserable 0.10% of the vote, and quite deservedly so to!!