Hey folks, our weekly FREE Flipboard magazine is now available to download….on Flipboard obviously. All the big stories (inc Comic Con) and reviews from the last 7 days.
If you’ve got Flipboard and not subscribed click here to get this weeks issue. If you have subscribed, theres loads of new content waiting for you so open up the app. And if you don’t have Flipboard…well…
Flipboard is a FREE download for the following platforms
For iPhone: flpbd.it/email_iphone
For Android Phones: flpbd.it/email_android
For iPad: flpbd.it/email_ipad
For Kindle Fire: flpbd.it/email_kindle
For NOOK: flpbd.it/email_nook
And once you’ve got it installed grab this weeks “The Movie Bit Weekly” by clicking here. And here’s where this gets even cooler. Once you have it downloaded, the content changes every week, so no more downloading or anything. Catch up on the weeks biggest movie stories, reviews and features automatically . The Movie Bit Weekly goes live every Sunday