We’ve all been there. You know; the couch, the sofa, the armchair, hell maybe even the floor. And its getting more difficult to haul our lazy asses off it when it comes to some cinematic adventures. 15 years ago going to the cinema was a big event. A big night out, full of conversation and anticipation. Full of popcorn, a gallon of Coke and 8 trips to the toilet, where inevitably there was always a creepy guy hanging out. And all this before you even made your way to the actual cinema screen itself. Opening those big doors, while attempting to balance the bucket of popcorn and the gallon of Coke, was a skill in itself. And then it hit you. That cinema smell. Yes, some of it was stale farts, some of it was various bodily fluids after cocooning an arm rest and the rest of it was that cinema smell. It’s hard to describe, but it was a unique smell that brought a hint of excitement and a whiff of wonder.
Fast forward to now and the amount of choices are limitless. Broadband penetration, while not as vast as it could be, is leading the way in helping us all make those choices. With satellite and cable providers, such as Virgin Media packages rolling everything from TV / Movie channels, phone calls to digital downloads into one monthly payment, the thoughts of getting off the couch are long gone. And stapling your backside to the couch, while not a bad thing, does mean people miss out on a rather fantastic night out. While certain cinemas leave alot to be desired in the quality control stakes, from shoddy projection to one channel sound, the ones that do it right, do it really right. And chances are you know of at least one cinema that does it right. That night out, while a bit on the expensive side especially when it comes to the gallons of coke and half a tonne of pop corn, is still a night worth paying for.
Why? Well, take your big average summer blockbuster. And while many have disappointed, there are ones that will blow your mind. And going to the cinema today, can and still is an amazing experience. We live in a world surrounded with poverty, constant bad news, pay cuts, terrorism threat, fundamentalism and you can continue that list till the cows come home, or Kevin James makes a decent movie! But getting an escape from your money worries, doom and gloom and cat videos for 100 odd minutes is something that is provided by the cinema.You can’t beat the experience of seeing an amazing set piece on a giant screen, with crystal clear digital projection (sorry 35mm heads) and a bellowing and pristine surround sound experience. These are the moments that stick with adults and kids alike. Lets face it, we all remember our first trip to the cinema as a kid. Thats something that lives on in our memories, why? Because it was an amazing experience. And it still is! Cinemas are like a great partner. Find the right one and you’re laughing!