Take this with a pinch of salt. Actually take this with an entire salt container. This is stereotypically one of these crazy rumours that come around from time to time, but the folks at Bad Ass Digest are hearing lots of rumours that J.J. Abrams is on the verge of dropping out of Star Wars Episode VII. One theory floating is that, it may well have to do with the fact that J.J. didn’t want the movie to be shot in England but was overruled by the studio. Who knows? While it seems an important factor, being away from family for a long period of time, one would wonder if thats really the case. Far be it from me to judge anyone, but I’d hazard a guess that this is a dream gig for J.J. and while family always comes first, you’d wonder is this a legitimate reason. Maybe instead of creative differences, its family time. As I said, I don’t know and I genuinely haven’t a clue, but this being Hollywood and all I’d expect some line of bullshit from somewhere. Regardless, I’ve reached out to one of our own “insiders” to see if they can provide any update.
It certainly would be a huge loss to Star Wars if the rumour is true, and while I doubt it is anywhere close to factual, with a Summer 2015 release date looming, things you would think should be a bit more concrete. Fingers crossed its one of those spiteful, shithead rumours that some people take great joy in throwing out there in the hopes of 5 minutes of fame, publicity or pageviews. If Abrams were to go, who would replace him? Any suggestions?