Last year, word broke that Fox were unhappy with Max Landis' draft for the sequel to his smash hit found fottage superhero flick Chronicle, with all signs pointing to Landis' script being a different, darker take on the concept of the first film, while the studio wanted "Chronicle again". This got alarm bells ringing in fans of the film, especially since it was revealed that the originals director wasn't returning, but Landis assured us that the film was still going ahead, stating that nobody wanted to make a bad movie. But anybody who has the man on their Twitter feed will have noticed things have taken a turn, with Landis announcing he has is off the project, and has being for the last few months. He went on to explain that Fox had a different direction they wanted to go that differed with his vision, and while it is sad that he won't be involved in the project, he was grate that Fox granted him the chance to make a film that was close to the original script he had for Chronicle.
So, Chronicle 2 is still happening, though with a different creative team of writers and directors. So what do people think of these turn of events.