Dick Jones would be turning over in his grave!!! Check out the new look Robocop, fresh from Comic Con and we’ve got a new video as well. Maybe its the nostalgic Robo geek in me, but this “new look” Robo looks horrific. I hate to be negative about it as I love the original, but seriously, COME ON!!! Anyway, that aside this article is about to get worse, and not the quality of the writing either, thats bad enough as it is. The new Robocop reboot will be a PG-13. Which is potentially a 12 / 12A over here. The MPAA definition is “Parents Strongly Cautioned – Some material may be inappropriate for children under 13”.
At Comic Con yesterday director Jose Padiha turned up for a panel with some of the cast and said “"The original Robocop tonally was very ironic and very violent, and also a critique of fascism," said Padilha. "It dealt with concepts that maybe not everyone caught on to. The relationship between fascism and robotics is very close. Like, the war in Vietnam ended because soldiers were dying; if you picture that war with robots then there wouldn't be the same pressure at home. The issue is now posed by drones. Our movie is about that, that's one part of it.”
Michael Keaton piped in saying “It's a very current theme," said Michael Keaton. "It's a hugely entertaining film, while underneath it's discussing relevant ideas, but not to the degree that your brain will hurt going home. When there's smart added to the fun, it just ratchets things up exponentially. There's a moral aspect to these robots, and I think that issue is underlying it." Sam Jackson also added his 2 cents saying "We're not going to put that in the trailer though!" Samuel L. Jackson hastened to add. "We're going to put the excitement in there, and then when people come out they can tweet and say, 'Damn, that was morally intelligent!”
So thats what we need? A morally intelligent Robocop movie? Gimme a damn break here! And as for the PG-13 rating, Padiha said "We shot the movie to be seen by the widest possible audience, which is PG13. I never really bought into the idea that Robocop has to be extremely violent to work. The Dark Knight is PG13." Bullshit I say. Absolute Bullshit!! A comparison to the Dark Knight is ridiculous. And its not as if Padiha is opposed to violence, his Elite Squad movies are rated 18s and don’t shy away from the violent element. Sounds to me like Robocop the reboot is being directed and run by the suits! Disappointing to say the least! At least ED-209 looks decent though!