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Which Smurf are you?


To celebrate the release of The Smurfs 2 which hits cinemas on today we thought it might be fun to get to know some of the characters a bit better…take this quiz and see which Smurf you most resemble! Are you a leader like Papa or very clever like Brainy? Let’s find out…

My friends would describe me as…

  1. Grumpy

  2. A Leader

  3. Smart

  4. Elegant

  5. Strong

  6. Silly

  7. Self-obsessed


My favourite hobby is…

  1. Hobbies are annoying!

  2. Making interesting concoctions

  3. Reading

  4. Flirting

  5. Working out

  6. Playing tricks on my friends

  7. Looking in the mirror


Qualities I don’t like in others are…

  1. Smurfs who are too positive!

  2. Smurfs who treat others unfairly

  3. Smurfs who can’t get their facts straight

  4. Smurfs who are forgetful

  5. Smurfs who are lazy

  6. Smurfs who don’t have a sense of humour

  7. Smurfs who are better than me


When it comes to a difficult situation I would…

  1. Shout

  2. Try and reason

  3. Rely on my vast knowledge

  4. Charm

  5. Fight

  6. Tease

  7. Sorry, what was that I was too busy looking at myself in the mirror?


You and your friends are organising a birthday party. Your role is…

  1. I didn’t want to do anything but my friends made me help

  2. To organise everyone

  3. To put all of the plans together

  4. To make all the decorations

  5. To put everything together

  6. Strategically placing whoopee cushions in secret places

  7. I haven’t got time to help, I’m too busy getting ready


If you mainly answered 1’s…
You are Grouchy!
Grouchy Smurf only tends to speak if it’s about something he doesn’t like! He can be quite grumpy but deep down he has a heart of gold.

If you mainly answered 2’s…
You are Papa!
Papa Smurf is a natural leader and will always try and get other Smurfs to do the right thing. He is very wise and will go out of his way to help anyone.

If you mainly answered 3’s…
You are Brainy!
Brainy Smurf is a true intellectual and a very smart Smurf! He can often be found buried in a stack of books as he loves reading and imparting knowledge.

If you mainly answered 4’s…
You are Smurfette!
Smurfette is the sweetest of all the Smurfs and is incredibly caring and sensitive. She is also very independent and doesn’t like it if other Smurfs try and be too overprotective of her!

If you mainly answered 5’s…
You are Hefty!
Hefty Smurf is the strongest Smurf. He is very brave and will always use his physical strength to help others.

If you mainly answered 6’s…
You are Jokey!
Jokey Smurf is the cheekiest and most mischievous of all the Smurfs in the Smurf Village. He has a real sense of humour and a fun spirit.

If you mainly answered 7’s…
You are Vanity!
Vanity Smurf is rather self-obsessed and certainly takes pride in his appearance. He is able to turn any conversation around so that it centres around himself. That said, he is a sensitive Smurf and a good guy at heart!

The Smurfs 2 is out today!


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The Movie Bit: Which Smurf are you?
Which Smurf are you?
The Movie Bit
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