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Pain & Gain Interview - Tony Shalhoub


"Are you kidding me?" Tony Shalhoub laughs, sitting in his hotel suite in Miami. "I thought 'Honest to God,'Is this a joke? This cannot be real. It just can't be." Veteran actor Tony Shalhoub is recalling the first time high-profile director Michael Bay told him about his upcoming film Pain and Gain, based on a true story about the Sun Gym gang who committed grisly crimes in Miami in the mid 1990s. Bay wanted Shalhoub to play the part of Victor Kershaw, a businessman who has something Daniel Lugo (played by Mark Wahlberg) and the rest of his gang members want - cash, and plenty of it.

"After I knew I was doing the film, I started to read about it and I kept on having to ask, 'Wait a minute, is this really true or are we just saying it's true?' I couldn't wrap my brain around it, then when I started to read the articles, I was gobsmacked. Only in Miami could this have happened." The articles Shalhoub refers to are those written by Pete Collins for the Miami New Times which revealed the story about a gang of body builders who had a penchant for strippers, fast cars and quick cash. The same articles which fascinated Bay, a Miami native, and a story he vowed he would turn into a movie one day. Over a decade later, Pain and Gain, a passion project for Bay, has been made into a film starring Wahlberg, Dwayne Johnson, Anthony Mackie, Ed Harris and Tony Shalhoub.

Shalhoub says he was immediately drawn to the part and the fact the story was true made it even more appealing. "That's the beauty of working on a true story, that like all human beings, these people are not just one thing," Shalhoub says. "They're complicated. They have many contradictions within their character and that's what fascinates me. Just the unbridled ego and ambition that must have overtaken these guys to make them believe they could pull something like this off. As they get more deeply entrenched in it, they get more and more desperate. It's like selling your soul to the devil. Once you go down the road, there is no turning back." A physically gruelling role for Shalhoub, many of his scenes were spent blindfolded and tied to a chair. To empathize with character further, he would keep his blindfold on during breaks on set, in an effort to better understand what Kershaw went through. "It was very challenging," Shalhoub says, nodding his head. "When you're blindfolded for so long, it has an incredible effect on you. I chose to keep my blindfold on between setups, not all of the time, but some of the time because I really wanted to get that sense of isolation and disorientation. Even with one of your senses compromised and the inability to move, all kinds of things start happening in your head. In my character's case, it wasn't just concern for himself, it was concern for his family, his wife and child. He knew these criminals knew where they were so there was more than one life at stake. It was terrifying." After various torture methods were used on his character, he still refused to buckle for a long time, but Shalhoub believes it was only because Kershaw knew who he was dealing with.
"Had the perpetrators been other people, he may have cracked earlier, but he so resented those guys and had such a lack of respect for Lugo and such disdain for them, he just couldn't do it because of that. Had it truly been anonymous perpetrators, he might have caved, but it was a battle of wills," he says.
One of the most difficult scenes for Shalhoub is when his character is on a dry cleaning carousel and he is rotated around like a piece of dirty linen while upside down. "My stunt double warned me I was going to get sick so I knew I was in a rough ride," he laughs. "It was tough, but surprisingly I didn't get too sick."

What kept Shalhoub going through the shoot was Bay's unrelenting passion for the film. While most of Bay's films are renowned for having some of the highest budgets in Hollywood, Pain and Gain is a return to his initial Bad Boys roots with a conservative bottom line, particularly by Bay's standards. It was something which did not go unnoticed or unappreciated by the stellar cast. "He's very passionate and very intense," Shalhoub says of Bay. "He's very specific about his vision and what he's about. His energy and his drive is infectious. It gets into everyone and everyone starts to work at this super-heightened level, but I also felt an enormous sense of trust and confidence. He really knew what the tone of this piece had to be. He has been working on this project for nine years trying to get this thing made. It has been a pet project of his, so just knowing that was reassuring. It means he has thought it out very thoroughly." Shalhoub can see what the appeal was in the true-life story and why Bay found the case so compelling. "It makes you think what are we all racing toward? What's of real value to us? Is it the stuff we spend our money on or want to possess because it gives us status? What do we need to feel whole? These guys obviously felt they could never be happy or feel like men without having what the next man had. It's insanity," Shalhoub says.

Happy with his lot in life, Shalhoub says, at 59 years old, he is content. Splitting his time between New York and Los Angeles, working on Broadway, in television and in film, Shalhoub has achieved what he believes the Sun Gym gang never could. He knows when enough is enough. "I grew up in a small town," Shalhoub says referring to his Green Bay, Wisconsin roots." I didn't have pie in the sky visions of being a Hollywood actor or anything like that. When I started to think about being an actor, I thought it would be a fun and interesting life pursuit, the acting part not the celebrity part. The celebrity is not really something I think about. I think celebrity is something which exists outside of you. It's people's perception of you. I'm constantly surprised when someone recognizes me because I am not thinking about it. I have other problems and other issues I'm trying to deal with," he laughs. " I think of myself as an actor. I don't think of myself in terms of when people use the word 'star.' Clark Gable was a star, Meryl Streep, George Clooney - that's different than me. I am who I am."

Pain & Gain is released in Ireland and the U.K. on the 30th August. 

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The Movie Bit: Pain & Gain Interview - Tony Shalhoub
Pain & Gain Interview - Tony Shalhoub
Tony Shaloub talks about his role in Michael Bay's Pain & Gain
The Movie Bit
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