Holy shit! Arnie looks about 143 in the first trailer for Sabotage, but looks like he can still kick some serious ass. For a while now, Arnie and Sly (Expendables movies aside) have struggled to remain as relevant as they once were, back in the day. But finally for Arnie, Sabotage looks like its the movie he’s been waiting for! Check it out below and let us know what you think in the comments.
Synopsis: The film follows Arnold Schwarzenegger as he leads an elite DEA task force whose members startbeing eliminated after they bust one of the world's largest drug cartels. As the body count begins to rise, everyone is a suspect.Take a look at the brand new TRAILER that debuted today! From the writer of Training Day, and the director of End of Watch, David Ayer. Seriously, Ayer is a fantastic director and writer, as I say, this could well be the one for Arnie!