Waking up to flat tyre is a major pain in the ass. And it turns into a mega pain in the arse on the one day that I was due to see a bunch of footage from Godzilla AND Edge Of Tomorrow. After going on a monster quest at 6am thinking that some air would sort out my tyre, disaster struck. Not a garage to be found…that was open at least. After giving up on the air quest, I changed the wheel and discovered that the injured tyre looked like Godzilla had taken a chunk out of it. An hour behind schedule, and with one of those mini spare wheel things in place I hit the road to Dublin. With a very special presentation from the nice folks at Warner Bros. kicking off at 10am, the clock was seriously ticking. Thankfully I made it with seconds to spare and things got going.
The first screening up was a bunch of footage from Godzilla, with a special pre rec’d introduction from Gareth Edwards, who thanked everybody for turning up (he wasn’t aware of my flat tyre dilemma…obviously) , spoke about the film and mentioned that they are working very hard at finishing it, and some of the visual effects are still not finished. And then we were treated to around 10 or so minutes of absolutely epic footage from the forthcoming Godzilla. And while we never got a full reveal of Godzilla, we saw enough of the giant monster that left me incredibly impressed. Not only are the visuals stunning, but the homage to the original Godzilla (think man in a rubber suit from the 50s) is very much intact. While its a million miles away from a rubber suit, this immense exercise in visual effects nods to the past, especially with the movement and Its a wonderful touch from Gareth Edwards. We were shown a number of other scenes, and while I’m not allowed give away any plot points, the movie definitely has alot of heart. Theres a bit more going on here than a big monster trampling around the place and people will be pleasantly surprised with the storyline here. Lets just say Bryan Cranston rocks!
Its the destruction that we came for though and this brief screening didn’t disappoint. While you might have got some sense of scale from the trailers, words can’t describe the enormity of Godzilla and the pure level of destruction on display. This is an immense movie in every shape and when it finally hits cinemas on May 15th (16th Stateside) it is going to blow your jaw right off. Following the footage screening, we were also shown a 3D trailer which had plenty of depth to it and looked really good. Based on what I’ve seen today, this is going to be an incredible movie experience that warrants you finding the biggest screen you can and strapping yourself in! May 15th cannot come fast enough! Big thanks to all the crew at Warner Bros. for a rather monstrous morning.