A few months back, word reached us that the film adaption of hit video game series Assassin's Creed had it's release date of August 7th of this year taken from it and given to the Fantastic Four reboot, leaving the Michael Fassbender (also on board as producer) starring movie in limbo essentially. It was uncertain if it would ever see the light of day, especially since camera on hasn't even started rolling on it. But it is indeed still going ahead, with Fassbender and director Justin Kurzel still on board (we can assume), and has been given a December 21st 2016 release date. Hopefully, this second lease of life will finally see the wheels start turning on the project. It feels like it has been stuck in pre-production since it was announced in 2011.
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A few months back, word reached us that the film adaption of hit video game series Assassin's Creed had it's release date of August 7th of this year taken from it and given to the Fantastic Four reboot, leaving the Michael Fassbender (also on board as producer) starring movie in limbo essentially. It was uncertain if it would ever see the light of day, especially since camera on hasn't even started rolling on it. But it is indeed still going ahead, with Fassbender and director Justin Kurzel still on board (we can assume), and has been given a December 21st 2016 release date. Hopefully, this second lease of life will finally see the wheels start turning on the project. It feels like it has been stuck in pre-production since it was announced in 2011.