We all had one thought going through our head when watching Fifty Shades of Grey (ok, there were quite a few thoughts truth be told): just how much money would I have to fork out to afford Christian grey's penthouse apartment, Red Room of Pain and all? Well, the people at Movoto did all the leg work for us, and put together this handy infographic to see if we can afford this prime piece of real estate. Spoilers: you can't.
We all had one thought going through our head when watching Fifty Shades of Grey (ok, there were quite a few thoughts truth be told): just how much money would I have to fork out to afford Christian grey's penthouse apartment, Red Room of Pain and all? Well, the people at Movoto did all the leg work for us, and put together this handy infographic to see if we can afford this prime piece of real estate. Spoilers: you can't.