When did I realise Big Game was going to be absolutely insane? It was probably 30 seconds into this trailer, when Ray Stevenson jumped out of Air Force One, dodging missles on the way down. Yes, Big Game is that kind of movie.
Coming from Rare Exports' Jalmari Helander, Big Game sees Samuel L. Jackson as the U.S. President, forced to team with a young Finnish boy (Onni Tommila) when Air Force One is shot down by terrorists and crash lands in the rugged countryside of Finland. This new trailer does a fantastic job of selling Big Game as a balls to the wall action movie where you can accept logic being thrown out the window if it means you get the sight of Jackson trapped in a freezer as it falls into a ravine. This should be perfect Summer action movie fodder.
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The Movie Bit: New Big Game Trailer Is Bonkers And Wonderful
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