
Colin Trevorrow Teases Jurassic World Sequel


While he won’t be back in the directors chair, Colin Trevorrow is currently gearing up to co-write the spit, alongside Derek Connolly, the sequel to this year’s colossal hit Jurassic World, due out in 2018. With both Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard, details of what the next bout of dino mayhem will have in store for us are unknown at this point, but speaking to Wired, Trevorrow teased some elements of the plot, which apparently shys away from the traditional theme park and island setting. “[It will not be] just a bunch of dinosaurs chasing people on a island. That’ll get old real fast....I feel like the idea that this isn’t always going to limited to theme parks, and there are applications for this science that reach far beyond entertainment. And when you look back at nuclear power and how that stared, the first instinct was to weaponise it and later on we found it could be used for energy. And this isn’t something necessarily that was in the book but is a seed that I wanted to plant in the movie, is that might be able to grow in more of these movies if they decide to make more of them, is: What if this went open source? It’s almost like InGen is Mac but what if PC gets their hands on it? What if there are different entities around the world who make a dinosaur?"

This was something that was actually hinted at in Jurassic World, with Trevorrow saying, “And Dr. Wu says in the film, when he’s warning Dr. Mesrani, ‘We’re not always going to be the only ones who can make a dinosaur’. I think that’s an interesting idea that even if we don’t explore fully in this film, there is room for this universe to expand. I shouldn’t use the word universe, because people will think we’re making a Jurassic World universe - we’re not.” So, from all that, we can at least assume they’re going to try what The Lost World pretty much failed at: putting the dinosaurs into a urban setting. The idea of a dinosaur arms race is also pretty cool, and what Trevorrow is saying it looks like they’re going down the usual sequel route of going bigger and more destructive. Considering what went down with Jurassic World, my mind can’t really get around how they could pull that off. Consider me intrigued for this sequel.

Jurassic World 2 (what we’re calling at the moment) is released June 22nd 2018.


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The Movie Bit: Colin Trevorrow Teases Jurassic World Sequel
Colin Trevorrow Teases Jurassic World Sequel
The Movie Bit
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