Josh Trank’s Fantastic Four reboot has been finally released into cinemas, and to say the reviews have been less than favourable would be an understatement. It had a tumultuous journey to the big screen, with rumours of problems on set, Trank himself acting erratically (which may or may not have lead to him leaving the then untitled Star wars Anthology movie), and that the studio had ordered reshoots. We can only speculate on whether these are true or not, but with the first trailer only dropping in January, it is safe to say something was up.
Now, the reshoot rumours have gained a bit more credibility with Trank speaking out on Twitter, talking about his ‘fantastic version’ of the movie that existed up to a year ago. It was a strange move on his part, and needless the say the tweet was deleted pretty quickly (nine minutes to be exact). But this is the the Internet, and it lives on in a screen cap.
While it may be bad form, Trank really has nothing to lose, with his name being dragged through the mud long before the Fantastic Four even opened. While it is unlikely we’ll ever see it, I’m very interested to see what a Director’s Cut of the movie would look like.