With some of next year’s big Summer movies dropping trailers over the last few days, one that has been missing is Paul Feig’s audience dividing Ghostbusters reboot. But we might be getting one step closer with the release of the first set of character posters (via EW, Time, People, and InStyle) giving us a close look at Feig’s ghost busting ladies and the equipment they’ll be bringing into the field. What’s more, we get some character details that explain the role of each in the team.
Kristen Wiig plays Erin Gilbert, a particle physicist, academic firebrand, spectral warrior.
Leslie Jones is Patty Tolan, a ghost tracker, municipal historian, and metaphysical commando.
Kristen Wiig plays Erin Gilbert, a particle physicist, academic firebrand, spectral warrior.
Leslie Jones is Patty Tolan, a ghost tracker, municipal historian, and metaphysical commando.
Melissa McCarthy is Abby Yates, a paranormal researcher, supernatural scientist, and entity trapper.
Kate McKinnon is Jillian Holtzmann, a nuclear engineer, munitions expert, and proton
Released: July 15th 2016