A few years back, the Hollywood Remake Machine set its eyes on another classic property, with a remake of John Carpenter’s dystopian classic Escape From New York finding itself passed around by quite a few studios before finally finding a home with 20th Century Fox in 2015, filling some people with quite a bit of confidence since they’ve had great success revising a dead franchise with Planet of the Apes. It’s being all quiet on the Snake Plissken front since then, but now The Hollywood Reporter has revealed that the studio is looking at Sin City and Machete’s Robert Rodriguez to helm the reboot. Carpenter will still be involved, singing on as executive producer.
While remakes of similar classics, such as Total Recall and Robocop, have been pretty disappointing, the fact that they are considering a director who thinks as far out of the box as Rodriguez does is a definite check in the win column for the studio. While some may still consider the source material sacred, you have to admit this particular director will definitely deliver something that isn’t your typical, by the numbers remake.
While remakes of similar classics, such as Total Recall and Robocop, have been pretty disappointing, the fact that they are considering a director who thinks as far out of the box as Rodriguez does is a definite check in the win column for the studio. While some may still consider the source material sacred, you have to admit this particular director will definitely deliver something that isn’t your typical, by the numbers remake.