Oscar’s are over for another year and credit where its due, last nights show was very, very good. Baring a shitty song and dance opener and the dance crap in the middle (nobody was in time with the scores) the whole thing, to my mind was not the usual long and laborious pile of yawns! Steve Martin and Alec Baldwin were simply superb! These dudes need to go back on the road and do a few tours! One or 2 upsets along the way, but nothing to completely cause a riot. For me though, I thought Kathryn Bigelow was a pawn in an Academy game of politics. The Hurt Locker is a great movie and its directed by a great director, but I wonder if Kathryn was a man, would she (or maybe that should be he) have actually won? Don’t get me wrong, it’s great that she won, first woman and all that to win an Oscar for directing and she is a great director. But did she win it because they were afraid Cameron would scream something about being King of the Na’Vi or did Avatar’s gargantuan box office success , actually hinder its chances?
Did she win because Tarantino is still not “Oscar” material? Were they afraid his acceptance speech would have cause the orchestra to start up the violins and he’d slice them up? As talented as Kathryn is, I don’t think she was deserving of the best director Oscar. Again, the movie was great, but not great enough in my view. James Cameron created a unique universe and Avatar is quite simply put, astonishing from all aspects which is testament to really great directing.
If anyone got shafted here though, it was Tarantino and Inglorious Basterds. Tarantino, has always been outside the box and Basterds was probably his most “mainstream” movie to date. It was brilliantly directed and I think it was certainly a more worthy winner!
As I’m on the topic of whining, Gabourey Sidibe should have picked up the Oscar for best actress! Sandra Bollix in my view, wasn’t deserving of the win either! But sure what would I know? Either way, who knows? Awards ceremonies are always full of shit and politics anyway, well that's certainly the general perception and the average bog savage will never know what goes on! At least Steve Martin and Alec Baldwin made the whole thing incredibly pleasurable.
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