As previously mentioned, the list for Superman directors is still ongoing. And another name has been added to the list via Heat Vision Blog and that one is………(drum roll) \/ \/ \/ \/….Darren Aronofsky (The Wrestler). And by all accounts Ben Affleck was actively hunting down the role as well, but that’s no longer a runner by all accounts. It’s a really tough one to call, but the script has to be right. The director’s list is a solid list, I’m sure with each bringing their own value to the Supe table, and I don’t know about you, but surely people want to see a Superman movie of old? You know, where Superman spends most of the movie rescuing kids and puppies and what not, and obviously the whole thing has got the bad guy story running throughout as well. Or do people want to see a completely different take on the man of steel?
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