Imagine the the trench scene in Episode IV in 3D? What about the speeder bike chase in Jedi, as giant redwoods hurtle out of the screen toward you? Even the podrace from Episode 1, all in 3 dimensions. Well, the good news and the bad news, according to “sources” to THR is that 2012 will see the entire Star Wars saga converted to 3D. That’s the bad news too. So far, 2D to 3D conversions have been incredibly poor. That said, who knows where the technology will go by the time Return of the Jedi 3D arrives in cinemas in 2018. These conversions might be actually worth watching! So starting in 2012, the entire saga, one a year, beginning with Episode 1,will hit 3D screens around the world.
With Cameron converting Titanic to 3D and now Lucas on board with THE saga, surely these dudes know something nobody else knows about 2D to 3D conversion? So for those of you with any doubts about 3D, surely the arrival of a converted Star Wars signals, that it is here to stay.
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