It’s pretty much a given that Sly Stallone and co will blow shit up again. The Expendables was a huge success and we know what that means! Yup, sequel. While as of yet unconfirmed, Sly has been muttering away about another flick and now Bruce Willis has dropped a comment about the whole thing. Willis, spoke to Coming Soon and said "I talked to Sly and he's going for all the marbles this time, and he's going to get everybody in this time, even Stone Cold Steve Austin who took two bullets in the last film, he's coming back, too. Hopefully, they'll start shooting it while we're young enough to survive."
Being frank about it, the lads ain’t exactly getting any younger and it might be more of a sequel to RED than the Expendables we’ll get. Either way, it’ll be watched! Because lets face it, most of us watched either Arnie, Sly or Bruce in movies that we should have never been allowed watch in the first place!
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