You gotta feel for Peter Jackson. Not only has his Hobbit movie taken forever to get off the ground but Guillermo Del Toro had to move on as it was taking too long, the ongoing MGM financial fiasco and the most recent problems were of a union issue where various unions informed their members NOT to take any work on the Hobbit. And now, the latest issue to befall The Hobbit is a fire. According to Deadline, flames engulfed Peter Jackson’s New Zealand workshop set which would have been used for the 2 part Hobbit movie. By all accounts it took 50 fire-fighters 3 hours to extinguish the blaze. All that’s left is a burnt out warehouse which in the past has been used as a specialist miniatures shooting facility.
I can’t imagine the frustration on Jackson’s behalf. How the dude will keep on trudging through all the muck is beyond me! Here’s hoping the whole production kicks off and gets back on it’s feet far sooner rather than later.
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