The fourth Mission Impossible movie, Ghost Protocol is currently being shot and there is potential for the Cruise machine to step aside and have someone else take over the franchise. And that’s what MTV asked Jeremy Renner who said "It's a franchise to potentially take over. I can't predict the future and what they want, but that's certainly the idea." Renner also spoke about the amount of stunts that he has being doing with Cruise “I haven't gotten to work too much in terms of acting stuff, but the stunts have been insane. Tom has been doing loads. He's crazy, that guy. It's unbelievable. He's fearless. He's great to watch. He inspires me to want to be better. I'm training in the gym and working out and fighting and doing everything I can to try and keep up. I'm doing hand-to-hand combat, Muay Thai and kung fu and learning how to take someone out quickly. I need to look like I know what I'm doing!"
Sound good doesn’t it? As for a franchise take Renner? Is this actually something that he should take over? Or would he be better off involving himself with something fresh and different? Or can the fans, the franchise and Renner all forget about what has gone before it! 4 movies with the Cruiser?
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