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How do you adequately forewarn someone about an impending disaster? Or better yet, if you knew something terrible was going to happen to a lot of people, how would you go about warning the populace? I don't know how I would. But I'm going to take a stab at it...

Do not go to your local Cinema and pay to see Meet The Parents: Little Fockers.

I should start from the beginning. In the year 2000, Universal released the now widely known comedy, Meet The Parents. Starring Ben Stiller, Robert DeNiro, Teri Polo and Owen Wilson. Riding off the success of There's Something About Mary, Ben Stiller had become a bankable star and most of us fell for his charm and all-round-nice-guy demeanor. At this time, Robert DeNiro hadn't yet come to the work-for-cash phase of his career, so with the pairing of the two, Meet The Parents was a roaring success. And it was, for the most part, an entertaining, fluffy piece of cinema. Four years later, Universal grabbed the opportunity to make a few more bags of cash in the sequel Meet The Fockers. I can't comment on the quality of said sequel, as I've yet to (and now probably never will) see it. Flash forward six years and here we are in 2010 with Meet The Parents: Little Fockers, or Little Fockers for short.

I'd need a thesis sized examination of the film to finely point out all the flaws with the film, but honestly, even if I had the time or patience; there's no point. What you expect is what you get. If you've got a sneaking suspicion that this flick is a z-grade, bottom barrel comedy, congratulations! You've hit the nail on the head. I don't want to sound like one of those couped up, scruffy film snobs, but Little Fockers is comedy for the lowest common denominator. It's unfunny, unintelligent, immature and mostly, boring as fock (that is not a typo). DeNiro, once a king of cinema, looks in pain here. Every line of a dialogue is a chore it seems. Stiller, an almost-king of comedy years ago, looks uninterested. His improve is weak and often embarrassing to watch. Jessica Alba plays a 'totally gnarly'-type medication spokeswoman in what could be the absolute worst performance since Darren Ewing screamed out those immortal words ("They're eating him! And now they're going to eat me too!") in Troll 2. The direction is so bland, it begs the question if the film even needed a director. They could have just pointed a camera at the actors and had them read from the script, as it'd have  been the exact same final product. Hard to believe the guy who directed American Pie and About A Boy directed this, not that they're stellar flicks, but the difference in quality is huge.

I won't bang on anymore. You get the gist; Little Fockers just flat out sucks. And if you don't take this advice, the same fate awaits you. For if you go and see this film, you'll find yourself staring down the bowels of cinematic hell. You've been warned.

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