A new poster for the upcoming Alien Invasion flick, World Invasion: Battle LA (previously titled Battle: LA) has hit the net, courtesy of ComingSoon. The film (arriving March 25th here in Ireland) tells the story of a military platoon facing off against an Invasion of mysterious Alien spaceships. Aaron Eckhart (The Dark Knight) and Michelle Rodriguez (Machete, Avatar) headline the flick.
The trailer and the new poster indicate an onslaught of CGI destruction, etc, but we'll have to wait and see if this flick can set itself apart from the current crop of Alien Invasion films slated for release in 2011.
The trailer and the new poster indicate an onslaught of CGI destruction, etc, but we'll have to wait and see if this flick can set itself apart from the current crop of Alien Invasion films slated for release in 2011.