Update: Tarantino's agency has confirmed that this is indeed the title to his next film. Not only that, but Christoph Waltz is locked in to star. Indiewire claim to have read the latest draft, so they've kindly detailed the plot, "Django is a freed slave, who, under the tutelage of a German bounty hunter (played by Christopher Waltz the evil Nazi officer in Inglorious Basterds) becomes a bad-ass bounty hunter himself, and after assisting Waltz in taking down some bad guys for profit, is helped by Waltz in tracking down his slave wife and liberating her from an evil plantation owner. And that doesn’t even half begin to cover it! This film deals with racism as I’ve rarely seen it handled in a Hollywood film. While it’s 100 percent pure popcorn and revenge flick, it is pure genius in the way it takes on the evil slave owning south. Think of what he did with the Nazis in Inglorious and you’ll get a sense of what he’s doing with slave owners and slave overseers in this one." Sounds fantastic, right?
Well that was fast. Apparently we won't have to wait another two or so years to see cinematic maestro Quentin Tarantino's next film, as Hitfix has caught wind of an image on Twitter which claims to be the first page in the director's next film, titled; Django Unchained. We've known for quite some time now that the Pulp Fiction director would make a western after Inglourious Basterds. There has been raw speculation all over the internet as to who would star, what it would be about, when would it shoot, etc, but today we got our first piece of solid information (I think). You see, Django is the lead character in a 1966 Italian western, directed by Sergio Corbucci. The plot centered on a lone gunslinger (with a coffin trailing behind him) getting caught up in a battle between the KKK and a gang of Mexican bandits. The character went on to see many sequels and spin-offs including Django Strikes Again, Django Sees Red, Django Rides Again, and so on. Could Tarantino be tackling the titular character next? It certainly seems so.
Check back for more updates on Django Unchained!
Well that was fast. Apparently we won't have to wait another two or so years to see cinematic maestro Quentin Tarantino's next film, as Hitfix has caught wind of an image on Twitter which claims to be the first page in the director's next film, titled; Django Unchained. We've known for quite some time now that the Pulp Fiction director would make a western after Inglourious Basterds. There has been raw speculation all over the internet as to who would star, what it would be about, when would it shoot, etc, but today we got our first piece of solid information (I think). You see, Django is the lead character in a 1966 Italian western, directed by Sergio Corbucci. The plot centered on a lone gunslinger (with a coffin trailing behind him) getting caught up in a battle between the KKK and a gang of Mexican bandits. The character went on to see many sequels and spin-offs including Django Strikes Again, Django Sees Red, Django Rides Again, and so on. Could Tarantino be tackling the titular character next? It certainly seems so.
Check back for more updates on Django Unchained!