I did Paradise Lost in college and...it's not a light read, to put it mildly. Amongst it all though, there is a truckload of dark, cinematic imagery in the tale of battling angels Micheal & Lucifer, which features not only Adam & Eve but the many levels of hell itself also. For some time now Alex Proyas (I, Robot) has been working on an adaptation that will be more action epic than lengthy thought provoking piece. Fans and students of the work will probably be outraged to the extreme, but is you take it on surface value it sounds like it could be good - visually exciting at least.
Now (via slashfilm) there's word that flavour-of-the-moment Bradley Cooper is up for the Lucifer role. And why not? It was only a matter of time before he signed on for another big movie after missing out on Green Lantern, and would fit the 'cheeky & evil' Lucifer role pretty well. News on the film is pretty sparse, but with this talk of casting, expect more to be revealed soon.