Vin Diesel, star of the Fast & Furious franchise, has leaked more information about the upcoming sequel to his other franchise, The Chronicle's Of Riddick. While Diesel has already made it clear that the film will be much more in the style of Pitch Black (the first film in the trilogy), the actor has now revealed that Universal has given the film permission to shoot for an R-Rating. Which means instead of the PG-13 fantasy realm we saw in part 2, we're getting the gritty, Mad Max-in-space type of realm we first saw in 2000. Diesel also offered up a new piece of concept art; depicting his character in 'Necro-Armor'. It's a great design, but it doesn't scream Pitch Black to me. Nonetheless, I'm eager to see a part 3.
The Chronicles Of Riddick: Dead Man Stalking (a working title) is set to begin principal photography this month.
The Chronicles Of Riddick: Dead Man Stalking (a working title) is set to begin principal photography this month.