
We predict the Oscars



Ok, we’ve rounded our collective and knowledgeable movie brains together, and here’s the picks from all of us here on The Movie Bit. Don’t forget to make your own picks by downloading our FREE Os-card, your personal Oscar Scoresheet!

Actor in a Leading Role

Vic: As much as Clooney as a fantastic actor, I feel his performance in the Descendants, is like the movie itself, overrated. I’d be picking Jean Dujardin, as his performance and portrayal is phenomenal, and it plays nicely to the Academy voters.

Ger:George Clooney in "The Descendants" strong category, particularly with Gary Oldman in there but I feel it could be Clooney's year.

Steve: Brad Pitt Moneyball, even though Clooney looks like he is a shoe in for the award I felt Pitt was simply brilliant as the General manager of the Oakland baseball team, maybe its down to me being a huge baseball fan but he brings to life perhaps one of the most respected people ever to take up the role of general manager in the game. It is strange to see a sports film get nominated and its down in no small part to Pitt.

Rob: Jean Dujardin in "The Artist". Who should have won: Michael Fassbender in “Shame”, not even nominated. Idiots. Ryan Gosling should have been nominated too… “But what do I know?”,as an idiot would say.

Tom: Gary Oldman. A very strong category, but for me it has to be Gary Oldman and his portrayl of jaded spy George Smiley

Sean: I’d love to see Gary Oldman get a long-overdue nod for Tinker Tailor, but I think it’ll be Jean Dujardin for his turn in The Artist.

Actor in a Supporting Role
Vic: This is a tough one to call, Nolte is overrated, excluding his one and only scene where he’s required to break a sweat in Warrior. Max von Sydow is phenomenal though and thats where my money lies.

Ger:Kenneth Branagh in "My Week with Marilyn" Max Von Sydow has been lauded for his recent performance but I'm plumping for Kenneth Branagh.

Steve: Again here I would go with Moneyball and Jonah Hill, he plays the part really well in what is a change from his usual comedic comfort zone that alone for me gets him the edge but he is a perfect foil to pitt in this movie.

Rob: Christopher Plummer in "Beginners” This’ll be one of those “Here, you probably should have won before, but now that you’re getting on a bit, take it.” Would liked to have seen Albert Brooks cast here
for his role in “Drive”.

Tom: Christopher Plummer. A toss up between Christopher Plummer and Max Von Sydow, but Plummer really did knock it out of the park

Sean: Some tough competition this year and for me it’s a toss-up between Christopher Plummer and Max von Sydow. As much as I enjoyed Warrior and Moneyball, I don’t think either Jonah Hill or Nick Nolte’s performances were as great as people have been making out.

Actress in a Leading Role

Vic: Michelle Williams portrayal of Marilyn Monroe will have had all the ol’ Academy voters teary eyed, nostalgic and excited (yes, that way too). There is no reason why Williams cannot win this, regardless of how strapped down Glenn Close’s tits were in Albert Nobbs.

Ger: Meryl Streep in "The Iron Lady" again an incredibly strong category this year but Meryl Streep for me.

Steve: Viola Davis, yes Meryl streep was great in the Iron Lady but for me Davis gets the edge, For me the Help is the standout movie of the year anyway a great story line but the power that is brought to this role by Davis brings home what is a sad time for american civil rights in the south. Everyone feels racism is a bad thing I am sure but here Davis makes you not only makes you agree its totally wrong but is so believable that you get extremely angry in a very real way with those who are putting her down, if an actor's job is to make you suspend dis-belief then she does so wonderfully well in this film and deserves the nod.

Rob: Meryl Streep in "The Iron Lady"I want Rooney Mara to win. Then again, I haven’t seen any of the other films in this category. Seems Streep will win though. They love her. Or else Viola Davis, the SAG winner. “The Help”, being very popular stateside, seems like one of those well-lit race films the Academy lap up. See Driving Ms. Daisy.

Tom: Rooney Mara. To take a role that would always be compared to Noomi Repace and make it her own, giving us a very different Lisbeth Salander, Mara deserves it, but so too does Michelle Williams for BEING Marilyn Monroe. I'm torn on this one.

Sean: Bit of a personal one this, considering her heavyweight status, it could well be Meryl Streep, but I’d love to see someone else win it, I reckon Michelle Williams’ Marilyn Monroe might just get the nod. Rooney Mara is also well worth a look in for her work in The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.

Actress in a Supporting Role

Vic: With a “dislike” of all things French, I’d still be backing Bérénice Bejo. And if a woman shitting into a sink wins this, then I’ll shit into a hat and mail it to the Academy.

Ger: Melissa McCarthy in "Bridesmaids", wouldn't it be nice?

Steve: Octavia Spencer for the help again brings a great sense of realism to the role and just adds another dimension and a little humor to the film, wonderfully well played and for me just beats out berenice bejo for the award

Rob: Octavia Spencer in "The Help". She has won the Golden Globe, the BAFTA, and the SAG. She should be a shoe-in.

Tom: Melissa McCarthy. A long shot here, as comedy's don't do well at the Oscars (especially this type of comedy), but Melissa McCarthy. I don't know why, just my favorite preformance of the last year.

Sean: Much like Jean Dujardin, it’s hard to see past The Artist’s Berenice Bejo for this one.

Animated Feature Film
Vic: ILM pulled off one of the most visually astounding animated movies in quite some time, not bad for a first time outing in the genre of a fully animated feature. And the story worked really well too. Rango will win this hands down.

Ger: "Puss in Boots" Chris Miller

Steve: For me despite all the talk of "A Cat In Paris" it is the little green sherrif (Rango) who gets the nod, the film was just extremely enjoyable from start to finish and with my step daughter quoting parts for days afterwards it shows it appeals to both young and old alike and more than best animated film its a genuinely good watch.

Rob: "Rango" Gore Verbinski - They could pick the more ‘arthouse’ “Chico & Rita” but my money’s on Verbinski’s reptilian western.

Tom: Rango. Nuff said.

Sean: So unusual not to have Pixar here. I’m going to go for a bit of a leftfield choice with Rango for this one. Big name director, unusual style, could be a contender.

Music (Original Score)

Vic:Howard Shore can pull this one out of the bag I reckon, as his Hugo score was, frankly, bloody impressive. Not even two John Williams nominations can see him lose out here methinks.

Ger: "The Artist" Ludovic Bource strong competeition from "Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy" but I think "The Artist" will have this one.
Steve: John williams for TinTin, i felt the music gave life in parts to this film and was so beautifully compossed it certainly added an extra dimension and a deserved winner in my book.

Rob:  "The Artist" Ludovic BourceI like Alberto Iglesias’ score for “Tinker Tailor” but Ludovic Bource should win.The music is so woven into the fabric of “The Artist” it would be wrong for it not to win.

Tom:  John Wlliams.

Sean: Considering it’s a silent movie, The Artist’s score is superb.

Music (Original Song)
Vic: Muppets. End of.

Ger: "Man or Muppet" from "The Muppets"

Steve: Bret Mckenzie, for me simply because my heart so wants those puppets to take home one award and I feel they have a real good chance with this song.

Rob:  "Man or Muppet" from "The Muppets" Music and Lyric by Bret McKenzie. Having not heard either of these songs, I hold a slight disadvantage. It is a 50/50 guess though so… I’ll probably have gotten it wrong.

Tom: Man or muppet. The Muppets. Do I have to say more.

Sean: As a huge Muppets and Flight of the Conchords fan. Man or Muppet all the way.

Visual Effects

Vic: The jaw dropping work that Weta created with an army of monkeys, helped out by amazing performance capture with Andy Serkis will win this one. Serkis needs to get some recognition and this is it.

Ger: I think Hugo will sneak it.

Steve: Rise of the planet of the apes: the movie for me was disappointing but it did look fantastic and in the end thats what this category is all about. 

Rob:Transformers: Dark of the Moon - This is a complete toss up for me between Transformers and Harry Potter. The Brits picked Potter at the BAFTA’s, so I’m guessing the Yanks will pick Michael Bay’s piece of shite art here.

Tom: Rise Of The Planets Of The Apes. You will believe monkeys will take over the planet.

Sean: Far better than i had expected, Rise of the Planet of the Apes, had some of the most stunning visuals of the year. Coupled with Andy Serkis’ motion capture work, I think it’s a safe choice.

Writing (Adapted Screenplay)

Vic: They have to give The Descendants something, and it may as well be this.

Ger: I hope it wins, it deserves some recognition, one of the best movies of last year.

Steve: Moneyball. Steven Zailian and Aaron Sorkin; story by Stan Chervin, it was simply very well written, nice linear from A to B, entertaining and easy to follow a very good job.

Rob: "The Descendants" Hmm… This was another tough one to pick, but I really liked Payne’s family comedy drama. I felt it was pitched well and had a few good moments, as those who have seen may remember. “You have very good powers of observation” stands out as a good line.

Tom: Hugo. A perfect love letter to cinema.

Sean: Stiff competition here, but I’m going with Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy for its ability to weave so many stories together seamlessly and leave you guessing right until the end.

Writing (Original Screenplay)

Vic: The Artist is incredibly original. It shall also win this.

Ger: Written by Michel Hazanavicius I expect this complete a satisfactory night for "The Artist"

Steve: Midnight in paris and Woody Allen, say what you will about the man but for a long time now he has been one of the best writers in film and i feel deserves this award, for what was a well written film

Rob: "The Artist" Written by Michel Hazanavicius. It’s gonna win, and win big, deservingly so.

Tom: Midnight in Paris. Just a fantastic film.

Sean: Think this could go to Margin Call, for a story that couldn’t be any more topical.


Vic: Michel Hazanavicius is in with a shot here, but a French newbie may not be what the old skool Academy voters would favour, so I’m going with Scorsese here.

Ger:"The Artist" Michel Hazanavicius I expect a decent haul from this film so the big one will probably get it.

Steve: "Hugo" - Martin Scorsese, I think he beats woody allen to the prize if only just.

Rob: "The Artist" Michel Hazanavicius.I’d like to have seen Nicholas Winding Refn nominated for “Drive” here but the Academy are known for snubbing more deserving filmmakers (Christopher Nolan not even nominated for Inception, Stanley Kubrick never winning despite
four nominations, some of the better films ever made on that list.) Hazanavicius probably deserves it though for all the success of “The Artist”. Malick wont show up.

Tom: Woody Allen. Fantastic director, and a fantastic film well deserving of recognition

Sean: Tough one. Yet again it’s hard to look past The Artist, but it’s a field full of Hollywood heavyweights. Don’t be surprised if there’s a shock in this category, with either Scorsese or Allen getting the nod.

Best Picture

Vic: I get this wrong every year, actually most of my predictions are wrong every year. Best Picture depends on how old school the Academy Voters are and how much they love either the 20’s and 30’s (that real golden Hollywood age) or something that preceded that by quite a few decades. It’s widely regarded Hugo is a love letter to cinema from Scorsese and this may just be enough to swing the voters, so I’m hanging my hat on Hugo. Even though The Artist is a more deserving movie.

Ger: "The Artist" Another in a busy night.

Steve: The Help, for most Descendants seems like the obvious choice but for me it was a close call between moneyball and the Help, with the latter winning out, I am not usually one for these almost sappy period drama type of films but this one for me was just so well made and i enjoyed every minute of it, certainly going more with my heart for this one but i do hope it wins.

Rob: "The Artist". I liked “The Descendants”, I even liked the divisive “Tree of Life” to an extent, but it has to be “The Artist”. It beats me that the Academy couldn’t find one more film to take a place on the nominations list (only 9 nominations this year compared to the usual 10). Personally, “Drive” was the best film that I’ve seen this year. Shame not to see “Shame” on the list either. Hollywood may not be ready for a film about sex addiction, which is a travesty, given the quality of Steve McQueen’s searing drama.

Tom: Midnight in Paris. I want this film to do well, and I really believe it will. But if something else has to win? Hugo.

Sean: With all of the hype around The Artist in the build up to this year’s awards, it’s hard to imagine another movie winning this. I actually think it’s a relatively weak field, despite the names involved. For me, it’s a toss up between The Artist and The Descendants, with The Artist to win.



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The Movie Bit: We predict the Oscars
We predict the Oscars
The Movie Bit
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