I came across this through some James Cameron update twitter thingy that I follow. Normally, it doesn’t have much, but today it got a few decent bits.
Cameron and Jon Landau have been talking to the Manila Bulletin Publishing Corporation about the upcoming Titanic re-release in 3D.
Landau spoke about converting the movie into the third dimension “It was a mammoth task - every shot of the film is now a visual shot; every frame (24 per second) had to be looked at in terms of stereo depth processing. We had 60 weeks to work on the conversion, and before that we had a year and a half of research and talks with vendors about the possibility of converting; the wonderful thing about conversion is that it is a creative process that uses technological tools, so we have not gone into the film editing it and doing a directors cut, we are converting not changing. We had 450 people working full time on the film, defining space and figuring out where objects sat in the shot. We used $18 million on this conversion, more of a budget than some films.
James Cameron was asked about the why it was essential to convert one of the worlds highest grossing movies into 3D, ““We get to bring Titanic back to the big screen after having been gone for 15 years. There's a whole generation of people who have never seen the film in a movie theatre. I'm a strong believer in the theatrical experience in general, but specifically for this film.” the director said.
Via MB